ISO 9001:2008
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IN HVAC Engineering
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CE Engineering Services

Compressors in Stock

In the past, service companies had the time and resources to change compressors at their leisure. In most cases the old compressor was removed and taken to CE Engineering for re-manufacture. Current times are far more demanding and companies now demand for stock to be ready on a “one for one” exchange service. For this reason CE Engineering has increased its stock holding of compressors and spare parts to more than $3M. This stock holding ensures the compressor changeover is kept to a minimum ensuring the customer is back online as quickly as possible. In addition to general stock, customers are able to have their special compressors re-manufactured and held at CE Engineering for no charge until the unit is required. If a customer requires a spare compressor onsite, the warranty will start from the date of installation and not the date of sale.

Please contact CE Engineering if you would like to be part of this special service.

What does “Re-manufactured” really mean?

According to industry standards, a re-manufactured compressor must meet or exceed all the functional specifications of the OEM compressor.  Simply stated, a re-manufactured unit does not contain any “worn” parts and meets new compressor performance standards, giving years of dependable service. 

To re-manufacture means to make the part as close to new as possible. A re-manufactured part is one that has been completely manufactured to the standard of a new part. If the part has wearable components, those are automatically replaced. All core material is closely inspected and checked against original equipment specifications for correct dimensional tolerances. Most replacement parts are new or inspected used parts. If new, the parts should be made in the same production processes as original equipment and testing should be performed to manufacturer specifications and original production standards. If used, the part should be cleaned and inspected for any wear, stress cracks, or and other defects before it is used.

On a re-manufactured compressor the mechanical tolerances should be restored either by re-machining or by installing the necessary inserts to restore the unit to its original mechanical tolerances. Either way, the compressor should meet the standard for OEM tolerances, durability, and quality.

On a re-manufactured compressor the mechanical tolerances should be restored either by re-machining or by installing the necessary inserts to restore the unit to its original mechanical tolerances. Either way, the compressor should meet the standard for OEM tolerances, durability, and quality.

Brisbane Rewinding

 Brisbane Rewinding has maintained a reputation of excellence and continues to allow us to offer a complete repair service to our customers.
Whether it is the Air Conditioning & Refrigeration industry segment, the escalator and lift industry, power generation or servicing the mining sector, we have the experience and ability to offer solutions at both the upper and lower ends of the scale in both AC and DC equipment.

Peter Vowles continues to manage the business with over 40 years’ experience in the industry and is widely regarded as a leader in the field of rotating equipment.

We believe we offer our clients unparalleled levels of service in the repair, rewinding, installation and trouble shooting of all rotating electrical equipment and will put our reputation on the line to prove that to you on your next breakdown or preventive maintenance task.

If you require any form of electrical and mechanical repairs or rewinding on your pumps, motors and fans, or would just like the benefit of some assistance on troubleshooting a difficult site problem, we believe we offer you a one stop repairer that you can trust.

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